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All Things WebSphere

Concerns and issues relating to all versions of WebSphere Application Server

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Cloud Foundry track at SpringOne 2013 Notes

The cloud foundry track at SpringOne 2013 had a number of excellent sessions on cloud foundry

Building Spring Applications on Cloud Foundry
Joshua Long & Andy Piper

Build Your Very Own Private Cloud Foundry
Matt Stine

Inside Cloud Foundry: An Architectural Review 
Christophe Levesque, Scott Motte, &  Dekel Tankel

Free Yourself with CloudFoundry:  A Private Cloud Experience 
Mike Heath, Shawn Nielsen, & Mike Youngstrom

Extending Cloud Foundry  with Custom Integration
Cornelia Davis & Scott Frederick

I have uploaded the notes taken at these sessions by John Mackoy who did an excellent job capturing all the information and subtext provided at these sessions


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Liberty and Cloud Foundry - a union made in heaven

Recently I had a chance to visit Santa Clara and participate in the Cloud Foundry platform summit. http://www.platformcf.com/ One of the major announcements in the summit was the adoption of CF as IBMs open PaaS platform. We also introduced and open sourced the Liberty buildpack that allows cloud foundry developers to push their applications to WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile see http://blog.cloudfoundry.com/2013/09/09/ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack-contributed-to-cloud-foundry/ The blog post does a very nice post of explaining why we chose cloud foundry and specifically why Liberty is such a good fit for deployment of apps in CF. It also provides guidance on future direction for evolution of the buildpack.

I have collected a bunch of links that explain the goings-on at the conference. So if you want to get caught up on what happened go to -

All the presentations made at the platform cloud foundry conference can be found here ...

Go Within Cloud Foundry from Platform CF

Comprehensive notes on all the platform cf sessions taken by John Mackoy can be found here



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